Monday 27 January 2014

Move on whatsapp status

  • Move on whatsapp status
  • Things We Lose Have A Way Of Coming Back To Us In The End, If Not Always In The Way We Expect.
  • Don't Live Life Thinking That What Happened In The Past Will Happen Again. Don't Let The Past Stop You From Living
  • I Don�t Care How Disappointed I Am, I�m Not Going To Let This Get The Best Of Me. I�m Moving On With My Life.
  • You Can�t Choose What You Have, But You Can Choose To Be Thankful And Start To Enjoy What You Have.
  • Live Your Life Without Regrets. Easy To Say, Hell To Apply.. But Yes, We Should Try.
  • Moving On Is Not Hard. It's When You Remember All The Times You Had Together With Them That Makes It Hard.
  • Maybe The Reason Why You Have To Stop Loving A Person Is Because Fate Chose Both Of You To Be Friends, When Forever Is A Lot More Possible.
  • If You're Getting Pushed Away, Don't Hold On. Letting Go When You're Getting Pushed Is The Only Way He Will Feel What It's Like Without You.
  • We All Have To Live With The Decisions We Have Made In Our Life; The Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, And Immoral.  There Is Nothing You Can Do About It But Move On...
  • 6 Letters, 2 Words, Easy To Say, Hard To Explain, Harder To Do: "Move On"
  •  "I've Shared Moments With Music That I Haven't Shared With Anyone Else."
  • I'VE SEEN A BABY CRY, SECONDS LATER HE LAUGHS.. The Beauty Of Life, Pain Never Lasts
  • Seriously LIFE Is Better When U Decide You DONT CARE!!
  • Moving On Doesn't Mean Forgetting It Just Means That You Rather Choose To Be Happy Instead Of Hurt
  • You Got To Let Go Of The Stuff From Past, Because It Just Doesn't Matter.
  • We Should Have No Regrets. The Past's Finished. There's Nothing To Be Gained By Going Over It. Whatever It Was, It's Now An Experience.
  • Wasting Tears For You Is Like Wasting Chocolate For You ...Which I Wouldn't Do :D
  • Wanting To Go On The Top Of The Mountain, Scream So Loud And Let The Wind Take Away All These Feelings That Are Hurting Me Inside.
  • When Your Life Gets Crazy, Focus On All The Good Things You Have In Your Life.
  • Most Of Us, Fall In Love When We Are Lonely.
  • Even Though It Hurts, You�re My Favorite Pain
  • Happiness Is A Feeling Of Inner Peace And There Are No Worries, Fears, Or Obsessing Thoughts.
  • Sometimes We Feel Sad, Alone, And Lonely Without Any Reason.
  • The Simplest Way To Erase The Sadness Is A Warm Hug From Someone We Love. ?
  • Don't Expect Too Much For Something. Because When It Happened Different, You'd Be Mad.
  • Never Waste Time For Someone Who Doesn't Even Bother Wasting Time Just For You. Be With Someone Who Will Tell You: "Time Is Wasted If I'm Not With You.
  • The Past Is Behind, Learn From It! The Future Is Ahead, Prepare For It! The Present Is Here, LIVE IT!
  • I don't change for anyone. Love me for who I am, or I don't need you in my life. 
  • You Can Win Life By All Means, If You Simply Avoid Two Things In Life. Comparing With Others, And Expecting From Others!
  • Just Because Something Bad Happened To You Doesn't Mean You're Life's Over. Stop Pitying Yourself & MOVE ON!
  • You're The Reason Of Your Happiness, Because You're The Only One Who Control It.
  • The Best Revenge Is No Revenge At All. Instead Move On & Be Happy. In The End You Win!
  • Learn To Forgive And Forget! Forgive As Many Times As Is Necessary And Then Forget What Is In Your Past To Clear The Way For A New Beginning
  • God Doesn't Say: "Change Ur Life And I Will Accept U." He Says "I Accept U- Now Let's Change Ur Life."
  • People Can Be More Forgiving Than You Can Imagine. But You Have To Forgive Yourself. Let Go Of What Is Bitter And Move On.


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