Monday 27 January 2014

Inspirational whatsapp status

  • Inspirational whatsapp status
  • Giving Up Doesn't Always Mean Your Weak; Sometimes It Means You're Strong Enough To Let Go.
  • Some People Want It To Happen, Some Wish It Would Happen, Others Make It Happen.
  • Nothing Much Happens Without A Dream. For Something Really Great To Happen, It Takes A Really Great Dream.
  • A Man Of Ability And The Desire To Accomplish Something Can Do Anything
  • It Is Amazing What You Can Accomplish If You Do Not Care Who Gets The Credit.
  • Improvement Begins With I.
  • To Accomplish Great Things, We Must Not Only Act, But Also Dream; Not Only Plan, But Also Believe.
  • Great Effort Springs Naturally From A Great Attitude.
  • Nothing We Learn In This World Is Ever Wasted.
  • Success Is Achieved By Development Of Our Strengths, Not By Elimination Of Our Weakness.
  • Some Men See Things As They Are And Ask Why. Others Dream Things That Never Were And Ask Why Not.
  • Give Your Dreams All You've Got And You'll Be Amazed At The Energy That Comes Out Of You
  • The Height Of Your Accomplishments Will Equal The Depth Of Your Determination
  • When We Get Too Caught Up In The Busyness Of The World We Lose Connection With One Another And Ourselves.
  • I Find That The Harder I Work, The More Luck I Seem To Have.
  • An Inconvenience Is An Unrecognized Opportunity.
  • Never Let Your Memories Be Greater Than Your Dreams.
  • Better Three Hours Too Soon Than A Minute Too Late.
  • In The Middle Of A Difficulty Lies Opportunity.
  • By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail.
  • The Superior Man Is Modest In His Speech, But Exceeds In His Actions.
  • Time Is What We Want Most, But What We Use Worst.
  • We May Affirm Absolutely That Nothing Great In The World Has Been Accomplished Without Passion.
  • Make It Your Business To Know Yourself, Which Is The Most Difficult Lesson In The World.
  • Magic Is Believing In Yourself, If You Can Do That, You Can Make Anything Happen.
  • Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts.
  • Relationships End, Men Fail, But Your Work Will Never Let You Down
  • What We Really Want To Do Is What We Are Really Meant To Do.
  • When We Do What We Are Meant To Do, Money Comes To Us, Doors Open For Us, We Feel Useful, And The  Work We Do Feels Like Play To Us.
  • When A Door Closes, Another One Opens, But Often We Stand There So Long Looking At The Closed Door, That We Do Not See The One That's Opened
  • I Know Where I'm Going And I Know The Truth, And I Don't Have To Be What You Want Me To Be. I'm Free To Be What I Want.
  • Time Spent Living In Fear Is Like Working Overtime Without Pay,No One Is Better Than U,Other Than Urself;Just Believe,And Never Be Afraid
  • Success Is A Vehicle Which Moves On A Wheel Called HARD WORK But The Journey Is Impossible Without Fuel Called SELF CONFIDENCE.
  • 10 Ways To Achieve Success.1. Be Optimistic - 2. Work Harder, Don't Be Lazy - 3. Do Whatever It Takes - 4. Explore Everything - 5. Love Your Life.6. Don't Give Up - 7. Take Risks - 8. Always Wear A Smile - 9. Share Your Blessings - 10. Always Pray.
  • Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting, Overcoming Them Is What Makes Life Meaningful.
  • If You Want Something You Never Had, You Must Do Something You Never Have Done.
  • Don't Go The Way Life Takes You. Take The Life The Way You Go.
  • Nobody Can Go Back And Start A New Beginning, But Anyone Can Start Today And Make A New Ending.
  • Inspiration Will Only Come When The Fear Of Failure Leaves Your Mind, Be Free In Thought, & Be Full Of Inspiring Light.
  • Lessons Learnt From Water : 1. Adjust Yourself In Any And Every Situation. 2. Always Find Your Own Way.
  • Never Say No To A Great Idea. Every Thing Is Worth A Shot Because Anything Is Possible.
  • The Difference Between The Impossible And The Possible Lies In A Man's Determination
  • I May Not Have Gone Where I Intended To Go, But I Think I Ended Up Where I Intended To Be.
  • If U Really Want Something, & Really Work Hard, & Take Advantage Of Opportunities, & Never Give Up, U Will Find A Way.
  • The Only Thing That Can Really Stop You From Living Your Dreams Is You. Be Willing To Take Charge Of Your Life.
  • If U Are Thinking Thoughts Of Defeat, I Urge U 2 Rid Yourself Of Such Thoughts, As U Think Defeat U Tend 2 Get It
  • If You Keep Chasing Your Dreams, Anything Will Be Possible
  • To Be A Winner In Life You Must Not Fear Your Weakness And Imperfections, You Must Know Them And Defeat Them.
  • Don't Give Up When You Still Have Something To Give, Cause Nothing Is Really Over 'Til The Moment You Stop Trying.
  • Do Not Bring Me Your Successes; They Weaken Me. Bring Me Your Problems; They Strengthen Me.
  • Being With No One Is Better Than Being With The Wrong One 'Cause Those Who Fly Solo Often Have The Strongest Wings.
  • Don't Ever Say You're Not Good Enough Cos If That Person Can't See How Amazing You Are, They Are The One Who's Not Good Enough For You.
  • Run With Your Dreams. Take Chances. Follow Your Passions. Cherish The Moments & Make Memories. Love People With All Your Heart.
  • KEEP 3 WORDS IN UR POCKET: TRY,TRUE,TRUST TRY For Better Future, TRUE With Ur Work, TRUST In Urself, Then Sucess Is Yours. 
  • Run With Your Dreams. Take Chances. Follow Your Passions. Cherish The Moments & Make Memories. Love People With All Your Heart
  • Don't Let The Sadness Of Your Past And The Fear Of Your Future RUIN The Happiness Of Your Present ?
  • There Is Going To Be A Time In Your Life When Someone Says You Can't Do It. That's When You Turn Around And Say "Watch Me".
  • Negative Thinking Is As Importnt As Creative Thinking Coz If Creative Thinking Invents Aeroplane Den Negative Thinking Invents Parachute.
  • Sometimes The First Step To Any Success Comes From Opportunity So Grab It When It Comes To You.
  • "It's Impossible," Said Pride. "It's Risky," Said Experience. "It's Pointless," Said Reason. "Give It A Try," Said The Heart.
  • You Can Buy Gifts But Not Love. You Can Pretend Smile But Not Happiness. You Can Lie To Others But Not To Yourself.
  • Take Action....... Miracle Happen! No Action......... Nothing Happen!
  • Forget Failure. If Things Don't Work Out The Way You Want, Hold Your Head Up And Be Proud. And Try Again. And Again. And Again
  • The Greatest Symbol Of Love Is Not The Heart. It Is The Cross Because The Heart Stops Beating But The Man On The Cross Never Stops Loving.
  • Our Lives Are Like Books And Each Day Is A Page. We Can't Erase What Has Already Been Written But We Can Make The Next Page Better.
  • Let Us Let Go Of The Day, Let Go Of What Happened And Send Gratitude For Another Day Of Lessons And Experiences.
  • Go After Your Success, Don't Only Wish For The Success To Come To You. Believe Me, It Will Never Come True.
  • The Challenge Is Not To Manage Time, But To Manage Ourselves.
  • 30 years from now, it won't matter what shoes you wore, how your hair looked, or the jeans you bought. What will matter is what you learned, and how you used it.
  • "Take the path less traveled: make a difference."
  • "You have the power to stretch reality to fit your dreams."
  • "Act as though it were impossible to fail."
  • Don't Let Your Experiences Determine Your Attitude. Let Your Attitude Determine Your Experiences.
  • Giving Up Doesn't Always Mean You Are Weak. Sometimes It Just Means You're Strong Enough To Let Go
  • I'll Go Anywhere As Long As It's Forward.
  • Don't Let Anybody Tell You That You Can't Do What U're Doing. Because The Only Person That's Gonna Stop U From Doing What U Want Is YOU
  • Four Steps To Achievement: Plan Purposefully. Prepare Prayerfully. Proceed Positively. Pursue Persistently.
  • Successful People Are Always Looking For Opportunities To Help Others. Unsuccessful People Are Asking, What's In It For Me?
  • If You're Going To Be Thinking Anything, You Might As Well Think Big.
  • Either You Deal With What Is The Reality Or You Can Be Sure That The Reality Is Going To Deal With You.
  • Success Is The Good Fortune That Comes From Aspiration, Desperation, Perspiration And Inspiration.
  • Don't Be Afraid Of The Space Between Your Dreams And Reality. If You Can Dream It, You Can Make It So.


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