Monday 27 January 2014

Best whatsapp status

  • Best whatsapp status 
  • Be Conscious About You're Choices And Be Responsible For You're Actions
  • The Hardest Challenge Is To Be Yourself In A World Where Everyone Is Trying To Make You Be Somebody Else.
  • It Is Much Better To Promise Nothing And Try And Give Everything...Than Promise Everything And Give Nothing At All...
  • Two Things Define Your Personality, The Way You Manage Things When You Have Nothing. The Way You Behave When You Have Everything.
  • There Would Be A Lot Less Cheating, Broken Hearts, Tears, Unhappiness, Misery, And Drama If People Were Just Honest From The Start.
  • Be More Concerned About Your Character Than Your Reputation, Because Your Character Is Who U Are & Your Reputation Is What Others Think Of You!
  • Don't Count The Things You Have Done For Someone. Instead, Count The Number Of Times You Felt Better Cos You Made Them Happy.
  • When Everything Seems Right, STOP And Appreciate That. Don�t Look For Things To Break Down. Just Enjoy The Positive.
  • Love Every One.. So That Every One Loves You... But Be Committed To Only One.. So That Every One Respects You..:)
  • No Matter How Good Or Bad You Think Your Life May Be, Wake Up Each Day And Be Thankful. Remember Someone, Somewhere, Is Fighting To Survive
  • Always Say Thanks To People Who Sacrifice Their Something For You Because Maybe That Something Was Their Everything.
  • When You See That Something Is Wrong, Maybe The Wrong One Is Not The Thing, But The Way You See It.
  • Never Blame Any Day In Your Life, Good Days Give You Happiness, Bad Days Give You Experience, And The Worst Days Give You A Lesson
  • When People Laugh At You, It's Your Choice To Be Happy Because You Can Entertain Them, Or Sad Because They Can Make You A Joke.
  • You Pay The Big Price To Learn The Big Lessons.
  • All Fingers Are Not Same In Length, But When They Bend All Stand Equal, Life Becomes Very Easy When We Bend And Adjust To Situation
  • If We Can Not Have Things We Like, We Must Learn To Like Things We Have.
  • A Boy Cried When He Didn't Have Shoes But He Stopped Crying When He Saw A Man Without Legs. Count Your Blessings.
  • Every Day We Smile & Laugh So Many Times, We Never Thank GOD After Every Smile, But We Do Blame Him For Every Tear We Cry.
  • You Can Make Whatever You Want Out Of YOUR Life, But First Of All You Must Not Be Afraid To Try.
  • Nothing Will Change In Your Life Until You Know And Face The Truth About Your Weaknesses, Successes And Failures, And Past And Future.
  • If You Want To Change Anything In Your Behavior Or Anything In Your Emotions, You Start With Your Thoughts And Your Attitude.
  • Life Is Too Short To Wake Up With Regrets. So Love The People Who Treat You Right And Forget About The Ones Who Don�t.
  • If You Get Your Heart Broken, Don�t Waste Your Time Thinking Over The Person Who Did It. They Don�t Deserve Any More Of Your Time.
  • Happy Moments, Praise God. Difficult Moments, Seek God. Painful Moments, Trust God. Every Moment, Thank God.
  • Some People Are Real. Some People Are Good. Some People Are Fake & Some People Are Real Good At Being Fake. So Choose Carefully
  • If You Cheat On A Good Person, You're Actually Causing Yourself Harm, Cause You Lose Someone Who Could Have Given You Their World.
  • The Happiest People Are Not The Ones Who Have Everything. They Are The Ones Who Make The Best Of Everything
  • I'm Not Perfect And I'm Not Trying To Be. I'm Just Being Me, That's All That I Can Do.


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