Monday 27 January 2014

Life whatsapp status

  • Life whatsapp status
  • L.I.F.E. - (L)Ive (I)T (F)Ully (E)Veryday
  • Never Allow Anyone To Beat You Down And Make You Feel Worthless.There No Greater Love Than Self Worth!
  • People Not Only See How Good Or Bad You Are From What You Do, But Also From What You Don't Do
  • When You�ve Finally Found Someone Good, Don�t Go Looking For Someone Better.
  • If You Cry At Trouble, It Grows Double. But If You Learn To Laugh At Trouble, It Will Disappear Like A Bubble.
  • Life Says It Every Time: Nobody Is Perfect.
  • Talking About Someone Is Like Bouncing A Basketball. Talk The Truth, Or It Might Bounce Back At You.
  • Life Is Not Always Easy, Death Is! And That's The Reason Why Life Is So Precious.
  • Life Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
  • Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference.
  • God Created Your Life. And You're In Charge To COLOR It, Make It BEAUTIFUL :)
  • Life Is Too Short To Safely Remove Hardware :P
  • Surround Yourself With Only People Who Are Going To Lift You Higher. Life Is Already Filled With Those Who Want To Bring You Down.
  • Life Isn't Always Friendly. Learn To Smile And See It From The Right Angle. You'll See Your Life Isn't That Hard
  • There Are So Many Things Can Make You Happy. Don't Focus Too Much On Things That Make You Sad.
  • A Very Small Thing Can Ruin Everything. Never Underestimate Every Single Thing In Your Life!
  • Happiness Is More Important Than Smile Because Smile Comes From Lips But Happiness Comes From Heart. Be Happy Forever
  • A Person Cannot Cross His Life Without Wetting His/Her Eyes.
  • Fight For Your Dream, Protect It, Defend It, Reach It, And I Promise You'll Make It Through.
  • The Fact That You Cant Kiss Your Elbow Is Enough To Make You Realize That Some Things Seem To Be, Yet They're Bound To Be Beyond Your Reach.
  • Life Is Short, Smile While You Still Have Your Teeth.
  • It's True That We Don't Know What We've Got Until We Lose It, But It's Also True That We Don't Know Wat We've Been Missing Until It Arrives.
  • This Is The Problem With Getting Attached To Someone, When They Leave You Just Feel Lost.
  • Instead Of Thinking About What You're Missing, Try Thinking About What You Have That Everyone Else Is Missing
  • Life's Not Fair. You Can't Dictate Your Heart What To Feel, But You Can Always Feel What Your Heart Dictates You.
  • Don't Be Too Honest Because, Straight Trees Are Chosen First For Cutting !!" Think Over It.
  • Haters Should Be Your Motivators!
  • People Wonder Why It's So Hard For Me To Trust Others, While I Wonder Why It's So Hard For Others To Keep Their Word.
  • A Good Life Is When You Assume Nothing, Do More, Smile Often, Dream Big , Laugh A Lot, & Realize How Blessed You Are For What You Have.
  • Life Is About Trusting Your Feelings, Taking Chances, Losing/ Finding Happiness, Learning From The Past, And Realizing People Change.
  • The Best Feeling In Life Comes When You Find Yourself Happy Without The Thing Which You Once Needed The Most.
  • If U Expect The World To Be Fair With You Because You Are Fair, Its Like Expecting: The Lion Not Eat You Because You Dont Eat Lion ....:-(
  • Never Regret Having Chosen The Wrong People In Your Life Because No One Can Teach The Right Lessons Better Than Them!
  • Life Is A Long Path With Construction Sites Along The Way..But U Will Eventually Get Past Them And Move On...
  • Don't Be Too Honest Because, Straight Trees Are Chosen First For Cutting !!" Think Over It..
  • Be Careful Of Your Thoughts; They May Become Words At Any Moment.
  • Never Take Anything In Your Life For Granted, Because You Never Know When It Can Be Taken Away From You Forever.
  • To Love Without Condition, To Talk Without Intention, To Give Without Reason, And To Care Without Expectation...


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