Tuesday, 10 February 2015

ANAHAT'S PUZZLE January = 101025 February = 6525 Then July = ?

anahat's puzzle

January = 101025
February = 6525
March = 13188
April = 1912
May = 13125
June = 10215
July = ?

Answer is 102125
First letter count in the alphabet is first digit i.e. J > 10
Last letter count in the alphabet is first digit i.e. Y > 25

Now see this logic
January -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1 (but repeated so 10)
February -- First Vowel  is 'e' so middle digit is 5
March -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1
April -- First Vowel  is 'i' so middle digit is 9
May -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1
June -- First Vowel  is 'u' so middle digit is 21

July -- First vowel is u so middle digit is 21

Hence number for July is 102125


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