A puzzle for you...
Its a 7 letter word.
If we remove 1 letter from it, it remains same.
If we remove 2 letters from it, it remains same.
If we remove 3 letters from it, it remains same.
If we remove all the letters from it, still it remains same.
Whatz it ?
No matter how many letters you remove from it,
It still remains a PostBox.
Its a 7 letter word.
If we remove 1 letter from it, it remains same.
If we remove 2 letters from it, it remains same.
If we remove 3 letters from it, it remains same.
If we remove all the letters from it, still it remains same.
Whatz it ?
Click here for Answer
POSTBOXNo matter how many letters you remove from it,
It still remains a PostBox.
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