Thursday 27 February 2014

Whatsapp Love Couple Relationship Status

Someone is smiling because you are smiling

Wednesday 26 February 2014


It feels good to hear someone say TAKE CARE but it feels so much better to hear someone say I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU 


u'Ve cOmplete right to kick off nusiance nd useless Ppl from ur Lyf cause at the end its ur lyf. .  

whatsapp cool attitude awesome status

Sometimes it's not the pain that makes you suffer, it's your own negative thought that makes things seem worse xU xQ!! 


If I could be any part of you I'd be your tear.
To be conceived in your heart born in your eyes
live on your cheeks and die on your lips.  


"Never hate people who r jealous of u ,respect their jealousy.
cuz they r the one who think u r better than them"

Friday 21 February 2014


The Opposite Of Love Is Not Hate But To Avoid. If U Dont Love Me Then Hate Me But Plz Dont Avoid Me.. It Hurts...! :'(
I Used To Miss You So Much, But It Never Seemed Like You Missed Me. I Guess Because Of That, I Stopped Missing You.
Sometimes You Just Need To Distance Yourself From People. If They Care, They'll Notice. If They Don't, You Know Where You Stand.
You Always Get Hurt The Moment You Begin To Care.
Sometimes Good People Need To Leave Your Life To Make Room For Better People To Come In.
It's Funny How You Think You Actually Mean Something To Someone, & They Just Turn Around & Prove You Wrong.
It's Ironic How Sometimes, The Harder You Want To Avoid Something, The Quicker It Will Get To You.
When A Person Cannot Answer Directly To Your Question Probably The Answer Is Too Painful For You To Know Or Too Hard For Them To Admit...:'(

No One In D World Has D Ability 2stop Their Tears When Their Loved Ones Say 2 Them "Dont Leave Me , I Need You" Or "Leave Me I Dint Need You

Some Dreams Weren't Meant To Come True....I Learned That From You.

It's Really Painful To Say Goodbye To Someone That You Don't Want To Let Go But Its Even More Painful To Ask Someone To Stay If They Never Wanted To Stay.

Unfortunately, We Believe The Liars, Trust The Backstabbers, And Like The Heartbreakers We Are All Just Stories In The End.

Drifting Apart From People You Once Used To Be So Close With Sucks.

It Sucks When You Miss Someone Who Does Not Miss You Back. 

There's Always Going To Be That One Person You Always Want To Be With Even After You Find Out They Don't Want To Be With You.

My Feelings For You Are Like A Boomerang. Whenever I Try To Get Rid Of It By Throwing It All Away, It Constantly Finds A Way To Get Back.

You Have Given And Taken A Lot From Me. You Gave Me A Reason To Smile, But You Took Away My Ability To Love Anybody Else.

They Say Time Heals All Wounds, But All It's Done Is Give Me More Time To Think About How Much I Miss You.

I Hate Those Moments Right Before You Go To Sleep, When You Are Forced To Think About All The Things You Tried So Hard To Forget.

People Think That If You Love Somebody Hard Enough, Then Everything Is Just Gonna Work Out. People Are Wrong

Who Knew That The Person That Kills Me Inside Is The Person I Need In Order To Live?

People Cry Not Because Love Ends, But Because It Still Continues, Even If It's Over.

Forgetting Someone Is Impossible. You Remember Everything. You May Not Think Of Them For Years At A Time, But You Don't Know How To Forget.

No Matter What They Do Or What They Say, Or How Many Times They Hurt You, You Can't Let Them Go Because They Just Mean So Much To You.

When U Get Attracted To Sum1. U Will Realize What Is Love.. When That Sum1 Starts Avoiding U.. U Will Realize What Is Life.

Loneliness Is A Special Enjoyment When Chosen By Ourself..!! But Hard To Digest When Gifted By Others...

Pleasure Of Love Lasts But A Moment, Pain Of Love Lasts A Lifetime.

For Once In My Life, I'm At A Loss Of Words.The Truth Of The Matter Is Being With You Was The Only Time I Have Ever Been Happy.

Sometimes Life Isn't Fair. We Don't Always End Up With The Person We Thought Was "The One".

Biggest Mistake You Can Make Is To Care For Someone More Than Yourself, Because Then You Are Just Setting Yourself Up For Disappointment.

Boundaries Are Necessary So That You Can Protect Yourself, Because Once You're Broken, You'll Never Be Fully Fixed.

Loving Someone Who Doesn't Feel The Same Way Is Like Using A White Crayon On A White Paper. It's Always Invisible.

The Worse Thing Is Caring About Someone, Wondering How They Are When The Truth Is, They've Stopped Wondering About You A Long Time Ago.

Who Said Water Helps In Putting Off Fire?If So,Then. Why Don't Tears Heal The Burn In One's Heart!

It Is Easy To See When Someone Is Happy , But Hard To See When They Are Faking Their Happiness Just To Hide Their Broken Heart . </3

No Matter How Bad Someone Makes You Cry, Hurts You, Or Makes U Feel The Worse U Can Be You Get Back Up And Thank Them For Making You Stronger Each Time <3

Love Is The Slowest Suicide, And You Can't Stop It, Even Though It's Killing You On The Inside, You Just Have To Live With All The Pain Until It's Finally Over 

I Love You And That Is True, But That Is The Difference Between Me And You. My Love Is Real , To You Its Just Another 3 Words You Say 

Why Is It That The Person That Makes You The Happiest Is The Same Person That Hurts You The Most? 

I May Not Be Prefect, But I'm The Best You'll Ever Have. You'll Realize It The Day I Stop Coming Back. 

The Worst Thing About Falling For Someone Is Thinking They Will Catch You In Their Arms But Instead They Watch You Fall And Hit The Ground... Broken. 

My Eyes Are Hurting Cause I Cant See You,, My Arms Are Empty Cause I Cant Hold You,, My Lips Are Cold Cause I Cant Kiss You,, My Heart Is Broken & I Miss You <3

It Just Makes Me Realize How Weird Life Is... That The Exact Same Moment That I Meant Nothing To You, You Meant Everything To Me...

Sometimes It Hurts To Care So Much. You Wonder Why You Bother Yet Continue To Do So. Wish I Could Be Like Others Who Are Able To Easily Stop Caring & Move On.

A Heart Dies, When Its Not Able To Share Its Feelings But A Heart Kills It Self When Another Heart Does Not Understand Its Feeling...!!"

Why Do We Love People Who Don't Love Us Back, Why Do We Try For People Who Don't Care, Why Do People Pretend To Be Your Friends If They're Really Not !!! 

My Silence Spoke A Thousand Words...But She Never Heard Them
Don't Trust Too Much, Don't Love Too Much And Don't Hope Too Much .. Because That Too Much Can Hurt You In The Same Way So Much !

I Walk Around With A Smile On My Face, But Underneath Is The Lonely Tears That Only Come Out At Night After Everyone Goes To Sleep...Praying Things Get Better!

It Hurts To Love Someone And Not Be Loved In Return, But What Hurts More Is To Love Someone, And Never Find The Courage To Let Them Know How You Feel. 

It's Hard To Wait Around For Something You Know Might Never Happen; But It's Even Harder To Give Up When You Know It's Everything You Want.

I Don�t Believe That Time Heals Everything. Minutes, Hours, Months, And Years Just Give You More Time To Realize What You�re Missing.

Breaking Up Is Just Like Having The Worst Nightmare After Having The Best Dream
The Hardest To Do Is Waking Up Without You.

It's Amazing How Someone Can Break Your Heart And You Can Still Love Them With All The Little Pieces 

I Would Give Up Everything For One Moment With You; For One Moment Is Better Than A Lifetime Of Not Knowing You

In My Dreams You're Mine Forever 

The Worst Feeling In The World Is Giving All The Love You Have And Knowing It Will Never Be Returned

True Love Will Never Fade Unless It Was A Lie 

You Hurt Me More Than I Deserve, How Can You Be So Cruel? I Love You More Than You Deserve, Why Am I Such A Fool?

Sometimes The Memories Are Worth The Pain 

A Million Words Would Not Bring You Back, I Know Because I Tried, Neither Would A Million Tears, I Know Because I Cried

I Hate This Feeling, It's One I Know All To Well, It's A Thing Called Heartbreak And It Hurts Like Hell

Where There Is Love, There Is Pain 

Love Is Like Heaven But Can Hurt Like Hell

Nothing Hurts More Than Realizing She Meant Everything To You And You Meant Nothing To Her

I Miss You More Than You'll Ever Know

Once Upon A Time I Was Falling In Love, But Now Im Falling Apart

You Taught Me How To Love; You Taught Me How To Live; You Taught Me How To Laugh; You Taught Me How To Cry, But When You Left, You Forgot To Teach Me How To Forget You.
You Never Know What You Have Until You Lose It, And Once You Lose It, You Can Never Get It Back.

My Heart Was Taken By You... Broken By You... And Now It Is In Pieces Because Of You.

Love Is Like Falling Down... In The End You're Left Hurt, Scarred, And With A Memory Of It Forever.

You're The One Who Broke My Heart, You're The Reason My World Fell Apart, You're The One Who Made Me Cry, Yet I'm Still In Love With You And I Don't Know Why.

A Million Words Would Not Bring You Back, I Know Because I've Tried, Neither Would A Million Tears, I Know I've Cried.

Wanting Him Is Hard To Forget, Loving Him Is Hard To Regret, Losing Him Is Hard To Accept, But Even With All The Hurt I've Felt, Letting Go Is The Most Painful Yet.

Sometimes The Memories Are Worth The Pain.

Sometime You Just Have To Hold Your Head Up High, Blink Away The Tears And Say Good-Bye.

For A Few Minutes You Made Me Feel As Though I Actually Meant Something To Someone.

We Are Afraid To Care To Much, For Fear That The Other Person Does Not Care At All.

People Think It Is Holding On That Makes You Stronger, But Sometimes It's Letting Go.

I Made A Choice To Finally Let Go, Because I Can't Stand The Pain, It's Time For My Last Tear To Fall And Smile Again.

I Cried Today... Not Because I Miss You... Or Even Wanted You... But Because I Realized I'm Gonna Be All Right Without You.

I Wish He Meant It When He Kissed Me Cause Then I Could Look Back And See Someone Who Loved Me But I Can Only Go Back And See Someone Who Used Me.

You Always Say You Hate To See Me Hurt, And You Hate To See Me Cry. So All Those Times That You Hurt Me, Did You Close Your Eyes?

So... From Now On... When You Think Of Me... Just Remember That I Could've Been The Best Thing You Ever Had.

You Hurt Me More Then I Deserve, How Can You Be So Cruel? I Love You More Then You Deserve, Why Am I Such A Fool?

You Asked Me What Was Wrong, I Smiled And Said Nothing, When You Turned Around And A Tear Came Down And I Whispered To Myself... Everything Is.

You Wonder Why I Don't Talk To You Anymore And Please Believe Me When I Say It's Not That I Don't Want To, It's Just That Everything I Want To Say I Can't Tell You Anymore.

I Don't Know Which I Would Rather Believe... That You Never Did Care Or That You Eventually Stopped.

Hold My Hand, Just One More Time, So I Can Remind Myself Why It Is That I Can't Get Over You.

I Think Its Time I Let You Go... And That Is Hard To Do Because Part Of Me Will Be In Love With You For The Rest Of My Life.

While I Was Holding On All You Did Was Let Go.

Sometimes It's Better To Be Alone. No One Can Hurt You That Way.

I Just Wonder How Many People Never Get The One They Want, But End Up With The One They're Supposed To Have.

Thursday 6 February 2014

cool status for whatsapp

  • Right Now On Your Body, There Is At Least One Place That itches.
  • Once A Woman Called 911, Because Mcdonald's Ran Out Of Mcnuggets.
  • China Has More English Speaking People Than The United States.
  • Michael Jordan Makes More Money From Nike Annually, Than All Of The Nike Factory Workers In Malaysia Combined.
  • The Sentence "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" Uses Every Letter Of The Alphabet.
  • Every 8 Seconds, A Human Life Is Lost Due To Tobacco Use Somewhere In The World. This Equals About 5 Million Deaths Every Year.
  • In Scotland, A New Game Was Invented, Entitled 'Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden' And Thus The Word 'GOLF' Entered Into The English Language.
  • Scientists Have Produced A New Antidepressant Drug That Gives You An Orgasm Every Time You Yawn.
  • There Is A 40% Chance That You Would Die Within The Next 3 Years If You Sit More Than 11 Hrs A Day.
  • Daydreamers Are Better At Solving Complex Problems.
  • In Guam, There's A Full Time, Paid Job For Men To "Help" Women Lose Their Virginity Since Virgins Are Not Allowed To Get Married.
  • In China, You Can Hire A Person To Stand In Line For You At A Rate Of $3 An Hour.
  • You Can Buy Over 2000 Apples With The Price Of One Apple Iphone 4S.
  • The Creators Of Adidas And Puma Were Brothers, And They Were Both Nazis.
  • "Ipod!" Is The SAME Upside Down. Consider Your Mind Officially Blown.
  • The Hunger Games Has 3 Books. 23 People Die Each Year In The Games. There Are 12 Districts. The Movie Came Out 3-23-12. Coincidence?
  • Studies Show That Men Are Put Off By Groups Of Loud Women.
  • When Asked, About 23% Of All Iphone Users Said That They Would Prefer Going Barefoot For A Week Than Letting Go Of Their Phones.
  • "Esodophobia" Is The Fear Of Losing Virginity.
  • The Backstreet Boys Were The Most Successful Boy Band Ever With 130+ Million Albums Sold Worldwide.
  • After Consuming Alcohol, Our Perceptions Change To Make People Appear More Attractive. So Yes, "Beer Goggles" Are Real.
  • The Pok�mon Hitmonlee And Hitmonchan Are Based On Bruce Lee And Jackie Chan.
  • People Who Are Happier Are Less Likely To Catch Colds.
  • Approximately 1 Billion People Throughout The World Go To Bed Hungry Every Night.
  • Smiling Immediately Releases Endorphins In Your Body, Changing Your Mood And Relieving Stress.
  • The U.S. Government Currently Owes China About 895 Billion Dollars.
  • There Were More Tweets About Osama Bin Laden's Death Than Any Other Topic To Date.
  • Drinking Water Can Help Someone Lose Weight. This Increases The Rate At Which Our Body Breaks Down Fat.
  • �FYI�, �LOL� And �OMG� Are All Now Formally Recognized By The Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Many People Avoid Looking Out Of Their Window At Night Because They Are Scared Of Seeing A Face.
  • Telling A Convincing Lie To Someone Is Much More Difficult When You Find Them Sexually Attractive.
  • China Gets Most Number Of National Holidays In A Year Than Any Other Country And Yet It's The Fastest Growing Economy In The World.
  • The Word "Gaga" In Filipino Refers To A Stupid And Idiotic Girl.
  • Astronomers Suggest That 10 Billion Earth-Like Planets May Exist In Our Galaxy.
  • When Looking At Stars, You're Actually Looking Into The Past. Many Of The Stars We See At Night Have Already Died.
  • 21% Of People Feel It's Okay To Break Up Over Facebook.
  • 90% Of All Text Messages Are Read Within The First 3 Minutes Of Being Received.
  • India Has More Citizens With IQ's Over 120 Than The Total Population Of The U.S.
  • Every Seven Years, You Lose About Half Of Your Friends And Replace Them With New People.
  • The Average User Spends About 3.5 Hours A Day On Twitter. Twitter "Addicts" Tend To Spend About 10.4 Hours A Day.
  • Dating Specialists Say Big Egos Are One Of The Top 5 Reasons Behind Failed Relationships.
  • The Proper Way To Peel A Banana Is Not From The Stem, But From The Opposite End.
  • For Every Human Killed By Sharks, 2 Million Sharks Have Been Killed By Humans.
  • After Outkast Sang "Shake It Like A Polaroid Picture," Polaroid Released This Statement: "Shaking Or Waving Can Actually Damage The Image."
  • Sex Is More Physical For Men And More Emotional For Women.
  • Until The Age Of 12, Robert Pattinson's (Edward Cullen's) Two Older Sisters Would Dress Him Up As A Girl And Call Him Claudia.
  • Undressing Your Partner Burns About 8 To 10 Calories.
  • "Woman On Top" Position Helps Women Build Confidence In Bed.
  • A Ferrari FXX Costs $1.8 Million. But You Don't Take It Home; Ferrari Brings It To A Track For You Then Packs It Up Until The Next Time.
  • Circus Animal Trainer Hannibal Cantori Explained In A Note That He Saw His Wife Having Sex With His Horse, Which Is Why He Murdered Her.
  • China Produces 44% Of The World's Apple (The Fruit) And 100% Of The Apple Inc.'S Products.
  • The Most Popular Google Search Trend In 2010 Was "Justin Bieber Syphilis"
  • Youtube Was Originally A Video Dating Site Called "Tune In Hook Up."
  • That Sudden Jerk You Sometimes Experience When You "Slip" In A Dream While Half Asleep Is Called A "Hypnic Jerk."
  • The Name "Harry Potter" Is Mentioned 18,956 Times Throughout The Entire Harry Potter Book Series.
  • Having Eye Contact For More Than 6 Seconds Without Looking Away Or Blinking Reveals A Desire For Either Sex Or Murder.
  • Justin Bieber Shaved His Head At 12 Yrs, Because He Had A Friend With Cancer & He Didn't Want Him To Feel Alone.
  • If The Whole World Smoked A Joint At The Same Time, There Would Be World Peace For At Least 2 Hours.
  • The Best Person In Your Life Is The One Who Comes First In Your Mind After Reading This Sentence.
  • When A Person Cries & The First Drop Of Tears Comes From The Right Eye, It's Happiness, When It's From The Left, It's Pain.
  • Your Birth Year (Last Two Numbers) + Your Age. RT If You Get "111".
  • When Someone Appears In Your Dreams,It Means That Person Misses You.
  • Math Anxiety Is A Psychological Disorder Which Causes Stress And Anxiety When Doing Math Problems.
  • Stieg Larsson, The Author Of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Witnessed The Gang Rape Of A Girl When He Was 15.
  • 95% Of People Have Googled Their Own Names.
  • Most Babies Are Born With Blue Eyes. Exposure To Ultraviolet Light (The Sun) And Melanin Are What Eventually Bring Out Their True Color.
  • Listening To Upbeat Music Stimulates The Brain, Helping Fight Depression And Confusion.
  • 85% Of People Reading This Will Not Find The The Mistake In This A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.
  • Love Actually Has Nothing To Do With Your Heart -- It's All Chemical Reactions That Take Place Inside Of Your Brain.
  • Cleopatra Owned One Of The World's First Vibrators. It Was A Small Container Filled With Buzzing Bees.
  • Allodoxaphobia Is The Fear Of Other People's Opinions.
  • Steve Jobs Stated That Using LSD Was One Of The Most Important Things He Had Ever Done In His Life.
  • Contrary To Popular Belief, Reading In Dim Light Will Not Damage Your Eyes.
  • If Barbie Were Life-Size, She Would Be 7'2" And Her Neck Would Be Twice The Length Of A Normal Human's Neck.
  • 70% Of People In The �People You May Know� Feature On Facebook Are People That You Do Know, But Deliberately Choose Not To Be Friends With.
  • The Word "Bed" Is Actually Shaped Like An Bed.
  • Google Owns A "Secret" Lab Called "Google X" Where They Are Working On A Space Elevator.
  • D�j� V�cu Is The Phenomenon Of Recognizing Smells And Sounds, Which In Real You Never Experienced Before.
  • The Movie "John Carter" Is Currently The Biggest Box Office Flop In Film History, With A Net Loss Of $166,566,620.00.
  • Within The Next Hour, You Will Shed 600,000 Particles Of Skin.
  • Indiana State Prison Actually Allows Inmates To Adopt Cats Into Their Cells.
  • Laughter Helps Increase Memory And Learning. Incorporating Humor Into Education Leads To Higher Test Scores.
  • Social Media Causes What Is Referred To As FOMO -- The "Fear Of Missing Out." Psychologists Say This May Heighten Anxiety And Depression.
  • Every Year, More Than 11,000 Americans Are Injured While Experimenting With Bizarre Sexual Positions.
  • In 2009, "Twilight" Scored Just Below "Anal Sex" In Wikipedia's "Top 100 Most Popular Searches."
  • In The Original Version Of "The Little Mermaid", Ariel Does Not Marry The Prince -- He Marries Someone Else And She Dies.
  • Daniel Radcliffe And Rupert Grint Both Admitted To Having A Crush On Emma Watson In The Earlier Harry Potter Films.
  • Having Blue Eyes Is Actually A Mutation. Before The Mutation Occurred, All Humans Had Brown Eyes.
  • We Love Our Followers. So Suggest Us What You Want To Read,What You Like About Us, What You Dont Like. Anything! Best Suggestion Will Be Rtd
  • Squirrels Forget Where They Hide About Half Of Their Nuts.
  • The Most Children Born To One Woman Was 69 -- She Had 16 Twins, 7 Triplets, And 4 Quadruplets.
  • Every Year About 2,000 People Are Injured By Balloons.
  • "Tampon" Is A French Word For Plug.
  • The Average Woman Spends Between 5 And 8 Hours A Day Gossiping.
  • Men Are Biologically More Attracted To Women With Big Butts Because This Indicates Fertility.
  • If You Are 6 Feet 2 Inches Tall, Then You Are Taller Than 94% Of The World.
  • With The Total Grossing Money James Cameron's Titanic Movie Made, About 5 Real Life Titanics Could've Been Built Instead
  • Harry Potter Actor Daniel Radcliffe First Thought Justin Bieber Was A Woman.
  • Yorick, The Rapist In 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo', Was So Disturbed By The Scene That He Spent The Day Locked In His Room Crying.
  • After Hearing About The 9/11 Attacks, The Maasai Tribe In Africa Gave 14 Cows To America As Consolation.
  • Analysis Paralysis Is When Someone Analyzes The Effects Of A Potential Decision To The Point Where They Don't Make It.
  • Your Brain Burns Around 300 Calories A Day And Burns Slightly More Calories When You Think Harder.
  • It Takes 9 Months To A Year To Produce One Episode On Family Guy.
  • A Tailor Designed A Parachute About 100 Years Ago And Died When His Test Failed As He Jumped From The Eiffel Tower.
  • A Cat's Brain Is More Similar To A Human Brain Than A Dog's Brain. Both Humans And Cats Have Identical Regions Responsible For Emotion.
  • An American Threw A Rat Into A Pile Of Burning Leaves And It Ran Into His House While Still Ablaze And Burnt His House Down.
  • The Longest Beard Ever Recorded On A Woman Was 14 Inches Long.
  • The Only Sense That Doesn't Fully Rest When We Are Sleeping Is Our Hearing.
  • Dolphins Have Been Witnessed Torturing Porpoises To Death For Pure Fun.
  • Sharks Actually Urinate Through Their Skin.
  • There's A Town In France Named "Anus."
  • In Chinese The Words For "Crisis" And "Opportunity" Are The Same.
  • "Whatever" Has Been Voted The Most Annoying Word In The World For 3 Years In A Row.
  • Good News For All Our Followers. Every Sunday There Will Be One Shout Out Given To The Person Who RT Most Of Our Facts. Enjoy. It's No Fake
  • Memories Are Transferred In The Brain From Temporary To Permanent Storage While We Sleep.
  • The Number 5 Is Pronounced 'Ha' In Thai So "555" Is Slang For "Hahaha."
  • In ancient Greece, The Common Slang For A Blow Job Was "Playing The Flute."
  • The "Original Thought Theory" States That Anything Anyone Can Ever Say, Has Already Been Said By Someone Else.
  • Pushing Your Tongue Against The Roof Of Your Mouth Will Cure You Of Brain Freeze.
  • Elephants Mourn And Bury Their Dead.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Grandfather Was Also Named Abraham Lincoln. He Was Also Shot And Killed.
  • In The Cartoon "The Jetsons," Jane Jetson Is 33 And Her Daughter, Judy Is 16. This Means, Jane Was A Teen Mom.
  • Urine Can Be More Sterile Than Water From The Kitchen Faucet. If You're Healthy, Pee Only Gets Contaminated When It Touches Your Skin
  • It�s Proven That All Parts Of The Human Body Can Be Replaced With Machinery, Except For The Brain.
  • British Law In 1845 Stated That Suicide Attempts Were A Capital Offense. If The Person Unsuccessfully Attempted Suicide, They'd Be Hanged.
  • Having Sex Regularly Has Great Health Benefits. It Promotes Production Of Germ Fighting Antibodies And Burns Calories.
  • There's A Village Called "Pussy" In France.
  • Russell Brand Showed Up To Work On The Day After 9/11 Dressed As Osama Bin Laden.
  • Biggie, Jay-Z And Busta Rhymes All Attended The Same High School At The Same Time.
  • It Would Take At Least 480 Bananas To Die Of Of Potassium Overdose.
  • By 2020, Depression Will Be One Of The 2nd Leading Cause Of Death And Disability.
  • In China, You Can Hire A Person To Stand In Line For You At $3 An Hour.
  • IKEA Stores Are Designed Like Mazes In Order To Prevent Customers From Leaving.
  • Rihanna's Video "We Found Love" Has Been Banned In France For Encouraging 'Self Destructive Behavior.
  • We Can't Talk While Inhaling Through Our Nose.
  • Anatidaephobia Is The Fear That Somewhere In The World, There Is A Duck Watching You.
  • In Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger Only Spoke 700 Words And Was Paid $15 Million. That Means 'Hasta La Vista, Baby' Cost $85,716!
  • Study Shows That In Most Cases, Viewing Someone�s Facebook Profile Picture Can Form A Distinctively Accurate Impression About Them.
  • The Fear Of Being Without A Cell Phone, Nomophobia, Is Becoming A Most Common Phobia Now A Days.
  • The Use Of Drugs Being Quite Recent Suggests That Intelligent People Use More Drugs More Frequently Than Less Intelligent Ones.
  • Daniel Radcliffe Was Paid 80 Times More For The Final Harry Potter Film Than He Was For The First One.
  • Parthenophobia Is The Fear Of Virgins.
  • Hogwarts' School Motto Is "Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon."
  • The First Man To Survive Going Over Niagara Falls Later Died From Slipping On An Orange Peel.
  • There Are More Stars In The Sky Than Grains Of Sand On The Earth.
  • If You Had $1 Billion And Spent $1,000 A Day, It Would Take 2,740 Years To Go Broke.
  • If The Earth Were To Lose Its Orbit, It Would Only Take 91 Days, 7 Hours, 26 Minutes And 24 Seconds For It To Fall Into The Sun.
  • About 11% Of People Have Sent A Text Message While Having Sex.
  • Airplane Crashes Have A 96% Survival Rate! In The U.S, From 1983 To 2000, 51,207 Out Of 53,487 People Survived Airplane Crashes.
  • Studies Show That Taller People Generally Score Better On Intelligence Tests.
  • The Average Man Will Have About 7,200 Orgasms In A Lifetime.
  • The Average Person Spends Three Years Of His Or Her Life On A Toilet.
  • Male Bed Bugs Have Sex By Stabbing The Female In The Stomach With Their Penis And Injecting Semen Into The Wound.
  • Psychologists Say That When A Man Meets A Woman, The First Thing That Comes To His Mind Is Whether He'll Have Sex With Her Or Not.
  • Scientists Concluded That The Chicken Came First Not The Egg: Because The Protein Which Makes Egg Shells Is Only Produced By Hens.
  • Facebook Is Blue Because Mark Zuckerberg Is Red-Green Colorblind.
  • You Can't Hum While Holding Your Nose Closed.
  • Ryan Gosling Was Once Suspended From School For Throwing Steak Knives During Recess Because He Thought He Was Rambo.
  • Women Who Went To College Are More Likely Than High School Dropouts To Enjoy Both The Giving And Receiving Of Oral Sex.
  • George W. Bush Spent More Days On Vacation Than John F. Kennedy Spent In Office.
  • Justin Bieber Broke Michael Jackson's Record For Selling Out Madison Square Garden The Fastest -- It Took Justin 23 Seconds.
  • A 20 Year-Old Man Named Chris Staniforth, Died Of A Blood Clot Last Year After Playing "Halo" On His X-Box For 12 Hours.
  • It Would Take You 30 Years To Count To One Billion.
  • Wayne Allwine And Russi Taylor, The Voice Actors Who Provided The Voices For Mickey And Minnie Mouse, Were Married In Real Life.
  • People Who Sleep Less Tend To Eat More During The Following Day.
  • The World's Longest Kiss Lasted 17 Hours And 35 Minutes.
  • 37% Of Surveyed Internet Users Have Admitted To (At One Point Or Another) Going Online Simply To Piss Another Person Off.
  • If You Chew A Cabbage/Lettuce Leaf Properly, You�ll Lose More Energy Than You�ll Gain From Actually Eating It.
  • Obama Once Said The Three Men He Admired The Most Were Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, And Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • The Total Time Spent On Facebook Worldwide Each Month Is Around 1.3 Million Years.
  • In 2009, Researchers At Newcastle University�s Centre For Life Said Eating A Bacon Sandwich Can Help Cure A Hangover.
  • Katy Perry Is The Only Artist To Have Tied Michael Jackson�s Record Of 5 Billboard #1 Singles Off Of One Album.
  • When You Drink A 20 Oz. Bottle Of Coca-Cola, You Are Consuming 1.77 Shots Of Sugar.
  • 80% Of People In The World Have Low Self-Esteem And Are More Likely To Put Others Down To Make Themselves Feel Better.
  • Depression Can Make You Smarter By Improving Recollection, Critical Thinking, And Raising Attention Span.
  • Most Teddy Bears Are Manufactured With A Neutral Expression So That Children Can Project Their Own Emotions Onto The Stuffed Creatures.
  • Hair Stylists In London Are Using Bull Semen As A Conditioning Treatment. �It Leaves Your Hair Looking Wonderfully Soft And Thick.�
  • Poor Eyesight (Myopia) Is Associated With A Higher IQ.
  • In China, Killing A Panda Is Punishable By Death.
  • Grand Theft Auto IV Was The Most Expensive Video Game Ever Made With A Budget Of $100 Million Dollars.
  • Kids Who Like To Listen Gangsta Rap Or Heavy Metal Tend To More Shy Then Other Kids.
  • We Actually Live About 80 Milliseconds In The Past Because That's How Long It Takes Our Brains To Process Information.
  • If A Man Can�t Decide What To Wear On A Date, He Might Want To Wear Blue. Studies Show That Women Are More Attracted To Men In Blue.
  • Before Pixar Settled On Toy Story, Other Names Suggested Include Made In Taiwan, Moving Buddies, And Toyz In The Hood.
  • 80% Of People In The World Have Low Self-Esteem And Are More Likely To Put Others Down To Make Themselves Feel Better.
  • Queen Is The Only Band In Which Every Member Has Individually Written More Than One #1 Hit.
  • Twilight Was Rejected By Fourteen Publishers Before Finally Getting Published.
  • Your Subconscious Mind Is 30,000 Times More Powerful Than Your Conscious Mind.
  • A Woman Named Jean Curtis, From Scotland, Filed For Divorce In 2002 After She Caught Her Husband Having Sex With A Frozen Chicken.
  • The President Sends You A Letter Of Congratulations On Your 100th Birthday.
  • 99% Of People Delete The Whole Password If One Word Goes Wrong.
  • Mayim Bialik, Who Plays Sheldon Cooper�s Nerdy Girlfriend On Big Bang Theory, Has A Ph.D In Neuroscience.
  • Antoine Dodson (Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife) Used The Money He Made To Setup A Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
  • Mike Duke, The CEO Of Walmart, Makes More In An Hour Than His Employees Do In A Year.
  • Women Have Twice As Many Pain Receptors On Their Bodies Than Men. But, A Much Higher Pain Tolerance.
  • Seth Macfarlane, Creator Of Family Guy, Was Also A Writer And Animator For Johnny Bravo And Dexter's Lab.
  • Botulinum Toxin Is A Chemical Used In Botox, 1KG Of This Chemical Is Enough To Wipe Out Entire Human Population.
  • English Wonder: Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven In Each Words Listed, Move 1st Letter To End Of The Word & Read Backwards.
  • After The Release Of Her Video "Friday" Rebecca Black Was Bullied Into Being Home-Schooled.
  • 95% Of People Have Googled Their Own Names.
  • We Can Udnretsnad Any Msseed Up Stnecene As Lnog As The Lsat And Frsit Leterts Of The Wdros Are In Crrcoet Plaecs.
  • According To The Pop Duo Themselves, LMFAO Stands For "Loving My Friends And Others."
  • Not Wearing A Sports Bra While Exercising Can Cause A Woman's Breast To Sag.
  • Men Who Help With Housework Also Tend To Have More Sex.
  • Until The Age Of 12, Robert Pattinson's (Edward Cullen's) Two Older Sisters Would Dress Him Up As A Girl And Call Him Claudia.
  • There Are More Barbie Dolls In Italy Than There Are Canadians In Canada.
  • .Toronto Was The First City In The World With A Computerized Traffic Signal System.
  • Beer Gives You A Healthy Daily Level Of Silicon Which Helps In Strengthening The Bones And Teeth.
  • The Part Of Brain That Is Responsible For Turning Experiences Into Memories Shuts Down During Blackout After Heavy Drinking.
  • We Instinctively Massage Our Eyelids, Just As We Would Any Other Muscle When Tired - To Increase Blood Flow And Hopefully Revive Them.
  • "High-Place Phenomenon" Refers To That Urge To Jump From High Places, Not Necessarily To Kill Yourself, But For The Thrill.
  • In The Original Version Of The Fairy Tale, Cinderella Actually Kills Her Stepmother First, So Her Father Could Marry Their Housekeeper.
  • Every Time A Disaster Strikes On Spongebob Squarepants, The Same Voice Yells "My Leg!"
  • The Average Woman Smiles 62 Times A Day. The Average Man Smiles Only 8 Times.
  • If You Search For "Google Gravity" And Press "I'm Feeling Lucky" The Page Will Fall Apart.
  • Angelina Jolie Has Collected Knives Ever Since She Was 12 And Used To Cut Herself During Sex To Increase The Pleasure Of The Experience.
  • It Takes 6 Months To Build A Rolls Royce And 13 Hours To Build A Toyota.
  • 6 Keys To A Great Relationship: Friendship, Freedom, Honesty, Trust, Understanding And Communication.
  • The Closer People Are To Each Other, The Harder It Is To Lie. This Is Why It's So Easy For People To Lie On Twitter, Facebook And In Emails.
  • Holding A Banana Peel Over A Bruise For 10 To 30 Minutes Will Remove It's Color.
  • If You Had $1 Billion And Spent $1,000 A Day, It Would Take 2,740 Years To Go Broke.
  • Jim Cummings, The Voice Of "Winnie The Pooh," Calls Children At The Hospital To Talk To Them In Character.
  • 23% Of All Photocopier Faults Worldwide Are Caused By People Sitting On Them And Photocopying Their Butts.
  • 50% Of Breakups Now Happen Via Text Message.
  • Racism Is Illegal In Brazil, And Racist Comments Can Get You Arrested With No Right To Bail.
  • Men Have One Extra Gene Which Is Responsible For Aggression When Stressed.
  • King Fatefehi Of Tonga Deflowered 7 Virgins Every Day For 14 Staright Years! That Totals To 37,800 Virgins!
  • Feeling Low? Day Dreaming About The Bright Future Will Instantly Give You A Boost.
  • Lying Is A Tough Task For The Brain. So When A Person Thinks Too Long Over A Question, Chances Are He�s Lying.
  • Anger Is In Fact A Form Of Positive Energy And Can Be Used As Powerful Motivating Force Towards Achieving Your Goals.
  • At Youtube Headquarters, Employees Can Either Take The Elevator, Stairs Or Slide.
  • Sitting In Front Of The Computer For Six Hours A Day Increases Your Risk Of Death By 40%. :(
  • If The Sun Stopped Shining Suddenly, It Would Take 8 Minutes For People On Earth To Be Aware Of The Fact.
  • The Two Highest IQ Scores In The World Ever Recorded Belonged To Women.
  • If Someone Sings A Song Around, 90% Chance You'll Find Yourself Singing It Sometime During The Day.
  • Wiz Khalifa Is Snoop Dogg's Nephew.
  • Dr Dre Didn't Know Eminem Was White Until They Met.
  • After Reading This Status, You Will Notice That The The Human Brain Doesn't Inform You That 'The' Is Used Twice In The Sentence.
  • 89% People Feel Uncomfortable When The Tv Volume Is An Odd Number.
  • 90% People At Some Point In Their Life Have Tried To Close The Fridge Slowly, Just To See When The Light Goes Out.
  • 99% People Backspaces Their Whole Password, When They Just Mess Up One Letter.
  • A 17-Year Old Chinese Student Sold One Of His Kidneys To Buy An Ipad 2 And An Iphone.
  • Having Eye Contact For More Than 6 Seconds Without Looking Away Or Blinking Reveals A Desire For Either Sex Or Murder.
  • 90% People Admit That, At Least Once In Their Life, They All Have Tried To Balance The Light Switch In Between The On And Of Position.
  • The Average Person Tells 4 Lies A Day And 1,460 A Year. A Total Of 88,000 By The Age Of 6. The Most Common Lie Is "I'm Fine".
  • The Longer You Are Single, The More You Think That Something Is Wrong With You.
  • Saying "Beer Can" With A British Accent Sounds Like "Bacon" With A Jamaican Accent.
  • People Whose Names Start With Letter 'A' Have The Longest Life Expectancy.
  • You Are Always Able To See Your Nose. Your Brain Just Chooses To Ignore It. Try It.
  • 85% Of All Valentine's Day Cards Are Purchased By Women
  • A Woman Spends An Average Of 2 Years Of Her Life Time Looking At Herself In The Mirror; A Man Spends 6 Months.
  • 8 Out Of 10 People Think That The First Kiss Indicates How The Rest Of The Relationship Will Be.
  •  166 Thousand People Are Having Sex At This Very Minute. 1/4th Of Them Are Cheating On Someone.
  • Women Love A Guy Who Can Make Them Laugh
  • All Emotional Pain Lasts For 12 Minutes Anything Longer Is Self Inflicted.
  • When You Wake Up Around 2-3am Without Any Reason, There's An 80% Chance That Someone Is Staring At You.
  • People Who Sleeps Late Have More Mental Stamina And Can Outperform Early Risers.
  • The Longer You Are Single, The More You Think That Something's Wrong With You.
  • Porn Is The Only Industry In The World Where Females Are Paid More Than Males.
  • If Someone Is About To Sneeze Say "Pineapple." The Absurdity And Timing Of Word Sometimes Forces The Brain To "Forget" About The Sneeze.
  • Delaying Sex Improves Long Term Relationships.
  • Facebook Makes You Overestimate How Happy Your Friends Are, In Turn, Makes You More Depressed.
  • People Who Easily And Frequently Blush Is A Likely Sign Of Them Being A Great Lover.
  • Music Makes The Brain Happy And Hungry For More Music.
  • Yawning Doesn't Mean You're Sleepy. It Means Your Body Needs More Oxygen.
  • Cigarettes Are One Of The Most Traded Item On The Planet.
  • If You Try To Say The Alphabet Without Moving Your Lips Or Tongue Every Letter Will Sound The Same.
  • The Harry Potter Series Made $7,701,234,647 Worldwide.
  • Google Unsuccessfully Tried To Sell Itself In 1999 For $1 Million!
  • Men Don't Need To Be Sexually Aroused To Have An Erection. Erections Can Occur If A Man Is Frightened, Nervous, Or Has A Full Bladder.

Monday 3 February 2014

Attitude whatsapp status

  • Don�t hate me because I�m beautiful,hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am.
  • I�m the type of girl that puts on her better smile, her better outfit, and better attitude and shows him what he left behind.
  • you will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me.
  • It�s the good girls who keep diaries;the bad girls never have the time.
  • I dint change , i just grew up. You should try it once ;)
  • It's kind of fun to make the impossible !.
  • Honesty is the best gift you can give.
  • If you don't care, stop talking about it.
  • You should never play with someones heart!!!
  • Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever!
  • Don�t compare me with anyone�. I am original
  • My dream is to fly..over a high..
  • I enjoy when people shows attitude to me
  • You can do anything, but not everything
  • Always spend your valuable time with your self...
  • People say nothing�s impossible, but I do nothing everyday.".....
  • The best feeling in the world is when someone you hate tells a joke and nobody laughs :)
  • I�m shy at first, but once I�m comfortable with you get ready for some crazy shit.......
  • When I joke they take it seriously. When I am serious they take it as a joke.....
  • I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later......
  • Will love you till my last breathe...."
  • Smile is noting like always happy...."
  • Work less..sleep longer!.....
  • I wish people looked like their personalities......"Don't hurt someone who is special in your life......."
  • Attitude is like underwear Don�t show it just wore it�!
  • Take my advice , i don"t use it.
  • People say me bad� me i am the worst.
  • My Attitude is my born gift and nobody take from me.
  • The only people who does not give the real pain in life are our Enemies.
  • Tell me the secret Or I�ll blow off your big nose
  • Me�..myself�and I..!!
  • I don�t have your attitude I have my own.
  • My heart is stolen�can I check your bra��.
  • Two fundamentals of cool life � Walk like you are the king OR walk like you don�t care ,who is the king.
  • I m sorry did i give u d impression that i give a damn abtu???
  • I am single because God is busy writing the best love story for me�
  • My Attitude is based on how you treat me.
  • Beautiful face. Beautiful body.Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.
  • Hey I found your nose, it was in my business again.
  • The most positive men are the most credulous.
  • My Philosophy �drink Triple, See Double and Act Single 
  • Don�t Copy My Style.
  • I don�t need to explain myself, I know I�m right.
  • Attitude In My Bones.
  • Always be happy and Be positive.

Sunday 2 February 2014

whatsapp love status

  • Don't Fall For The One You Love, Fall For The One That Loves You...Because You Can Always Learn To Love, But You Can Never Make Someone Love You. =((
  • The More You Hide Your Feelings For Someone, The More You Fall For Them.
  • I Don't Know Where I Stand With U, I Don't Know What I Mean To U, All I Know Is Every Time I Think Of U, All I Wanna Do Is Be With You.
  • It�s Hard To Pretend You Love Someone When You Don�t, But It�s Even Harder To Pretend You Don�t Love Someone When You Do.
  • The Scariest Thing About Distance Is That You Don't Know Whether The Person Misses You Or Has Forgotten You.
  • The Hardest Things To Leave Behind Are The Things You Never Had In The First Place.
  • Do You Know How It Feels To Be Ignored? It Fucking Hurts
  •  If You Have A Chance To Love, Then Do It. Remember: "Love Makes Time Pass, But Too Much Time Will Let Love Pass!"
  • There Are Five Words That Mean More Than I Love You And Those Words Are "I'm Here To Stay Forever"
  • When Two People Are Meant For Each Other, No Time Is Too Long, No Distance Is Too Far, And No One Can Ever Tear Them Apart.
  • Never Pass A Chance To Say "I Love You," To The People You Care About Because We Aren't Promised Tomorrow.
  • I Won't Be Your Star. Cause There'r Too Much Stars On The Sky. I Want To Be Your Sun. Cause There's Only One Sun <3
  • Love With All Your Heart, No Matter How Many Times It Has Or Will Be Broken Because When You're Not Really Loving, You're Not Really Living.
  • Love Brings People Together But Trust Keeps Them Together!
  • Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Nothing In This Crazy World - Could Keep Me From Loving You!
  • No One Can Love Intelligently 'Cause The Nature Of True Love Is Madness. :)
  • Love Is Not Something We Find, Love Is Something We DO!
  • The Nicest Place To Be In Is Someone's Thoughts.
  • Why Is It That In Every Love Story, Mom Agrees And Dad Disagrees? It's Because Mom Knows What Love Is, And Dad Knows What Boys Are. ?
  • You Must Be A Good Runner Because You Are Always Running In My Mind, You Must Be A Good Thief Because You Have Stolen My Heart, And I Am Always A Bad Shooter Because I Miss You Always...
  • How Do I Spell S_Ccess & _Niq_E Without U? I Cant Even Have F_N, Or Any Good L_Ck. Without U, Looks Like I Cant S_Rvive.
  • You Have Two Lips, I Have Two Lips. Why Don't We Put Two And Two Together?'
  • Can You Recommend A Good Bank Where I Can Make A Deposit? Because I�m Planning To Save All My Love For You.
  • If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet I Would Put U And I Together.
  • Babe, Your Beauty Makes The Morning Sun Look Like The Dull Glimmer Of The Moon.
  • You Are Hotter Than The Sun, Brighter Than The Moon And Have More Sparkling Than The Stars. What Else Do You Want?
  • CUTEST PROPOSAL By A Boy ? Boy: Can U Plz Close Ur Eyes For A Moment? Girl: Ok,Done Boy: Thanx,What A Darkness Isn't It? Girl: Yeah Boy: That Is My Life Without U.?
  • There's 6,697,254,041 People In The World But I Want You
  • I Always Think Of You Before I Fall Asleep. The Words You Said. The Things We Laughed About, The Silent Moments We Shared.
  • The Greatest Symbol Of Love Is Not The Heart. It Is The Cross Because The Heart Stops Beating But The Man On The Cross Never Stops Loving.
  • I Don't Know What Happened. One Moment, You Were Just Another Girl I Only Knew The Name Of; The Next, You Were The Girl That I Fell Hard For.
  • It's Strange How Love Can Be The Happiest Thing Ever, But Can Cause You The Most Pain.. Yet, Everyone�s Searching For It.
  • The Worst Feeling About Being In Love, Is Sitting Back To Back With The Person You Love; And Not Even Being Able To Say 'Hello'.
  • You Know What I Want More Than Anything In The World Right Now? To Talk To You, To Be With You, This Very Instant.
  • Whenever I Try To NOT Think Of You; You're The Only Person Who Stays In My Mind, No Matter What I Do.
  • Maybe I Could Have Loved You Better. Maybe You Should Have Loved Me More. Maybe Our Hearts Were Just Next In Line.
  • Your Worst Battle Is Between What You Know And What You Feel.
  • You Make Me Laugh At Things That Aren't Funny. You Make Me Smile Without Actually Being Here. You Make My Stomach Flip By A Text.
  • Love That We Cannot Have Is The One That Last The Longest, Hurts The Deepest And Feels The Strongest.
  • Never Stop Loving Someone Because You Never Know When They Might Start Loving You Back.
  • My Feelings For You Are Like A Boomerang. Whenever I Try To Get Rid Of It By Throwing It All Away, It Constantly Finds A Way To Get Back.
  • Just Because Someone Doesn't Love You The Way You Want Them To, Doesn't Mean They Don't Love You With All They Have.
  • No One Ever Gets Tired Of Loving� But Everyone Gets Tired Of Waiting, Assuming, Hearing Promises, Saying Sorry, And All The Hurting.
  • Love Is A Feeling, Not A Decision. You Can't Choose Who You Love. If You Could, It Would Be Much Simpler, But Less Magical.
  • The Right Way To Kiss A Girl, Push Her Up Against A Wall, Hold Her Arms Above Her Head And Kiss Her Like You Mean It!?
  • Love Me Without Fear, Trust Me Without Questioning, Need Me Without Demanding, Want Me Without Restrictions, And Accept Me Without Change.
  • A Pretty Girl Is Nothing, If She Has An Ugly Heart
  • Law Of Love: The More LOVE You Give, The More PAIN You'll Get.
  • LOVE = Lesson Of Various Emotions.